Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dear Agony, now is not the time to make me almost cry, gosh. :C

ANYWAYS. Typing this here because fuck you, I do what I want.
Finished all four of those commissions in one day, I feel like I accomplished something. |3 So, that's nice. Being at home kinda. Eh, though. Getting bitched at for things that aren't really my control? I'm sorry I didn't feel like running back to the store to get what I forgot because I'm in a hell of a lot of pain in my leg for some reason. But you know, that doesn't mean I never go to the store for you, hell, what the fuck did I just do for you anyways? :\ EVEN when I'm in pain...

I can only hope my weekend will get better? It might not, though... Gonna try and get some more commissions though, I need to save up for when we get this car for me, so I can pay for gas and insurance... Gas is way too fucking high, it's crazy! D: So yeah... I also wanna buy these amazing looking scullcandy headphones =w=; I-I love my ear buds so much, I just. Want over the ear ones with even BETTER sound quality and bass. gotta hear that bass in the rock, ya know? Not dubstep, I don't like dubstep...

Okay, it's later than I intended, time to sleep and hope everything is better in the morning.

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